Top Tips to Whiten Yellow Teeth

July 31, 2016

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teeth whitening in WilliamstownHave you noticed that your smile has begun to dull due to tooth discoloration? Unfortunately, no amount of brushing or flossing will remove the discoloration. You’re going to need professional help with teeth whitening in Williamstown. Your cosmetic dentist is the only means to drastically reverse tooth discoloration. While you could turn to home remedies or over-the-counter products, you won’t get noticeable or lasting results. Instead, you need professional whitening treatments to get the results you want.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Tooth discoloration is caused by a number of factors, such as age, poor oral hygiene, and lifestyle habits like smoking. Often, medications, medical conditions, and the foods we eat accelerate the appearance of yellow teeth. When our teeth are exposed to stain-causing factors, such as tobacco use, coffee, or dark pigmented foods, the teeth will eventually begin to look yellow.

Tooth discoloration may appear to be on the surface of the teeth, but the discoloration actually extends beyond the enamel, which is why over-the-counter whitening treatments don’t work. Below the enamel of the teeth is a layer known as dentin. While enamel looks white, the underlying layer is a very pale brown. As stain-causing factors seep into the enamel, the dentin tones become more apparent, making the teeth appear yellow.

Teeth Whitening in Williamstown

To remove tough tooth discoloration, you will require a professional whitening treatment. iSmile Dental Arts offers an in-office treatment for teeth whitening in Williamstown. We use a safe and effective professional-grade whitening agent that deeply penetrates the enamel to resolve tough discoloration. In just one appointment, we are able to significantly whiten your teeth with lasting results.

For those who prefer to whiten their teeth at home, we also offer a take-home kit. The take-home kit will use a professional-grade whitening gel to remove tooth discoloration. As you use the treatment, you’ll start to see results in just a few days. Over the course of a couple weeks, you’ll notice your teeth are several shades whiter. You can also use the take-home kit for maintenance in between in-office whitening treatments.

Preventing Tooth Discoloration

While tooth discoloration isn’t completely avoidable, there are several things you can do to prevent the severity of tooth discoloration, especially after you’ve had a whitening treatment. In addition to proper oral hygiene, you’ll want to avoid any stain-causing foods, products, or habits. Limit your contact with acidic or dark pigmented foods and drinks, such as coffee, teas, and dark berries.

Your Cosmetic Dentist in Williamstown

If you’ve noticed tooth discoloration hurting the appearance of your smile, don’t let yellow teeth dull your smile any longer. You can easily reverse the appearance of yellow teeth with professional teeth whitening treatments. If you’re interested in getting a whiter, brighter smile, we’ll perform a consultation to determine if whitening treatments are right for you. After evaluating your oral health, we’ll create a customized treatment plan to give you a bright smile.

Don’t hide behind a dull smile any longer. Let a brighter smile shine through with professional teeth whitening.

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