Dental insurance policies can have a lot of fine print. If you are new to your benefits, that can be even worse. You might find some words floating around in your policy’s terms that confuse you. Don’t worry. Most of the principles in dental insurance are fairly easy to understand. In this blog post, a Delta Dental insurance dentist in Williamstown will help you get started on mastering your benefits by discussing everything you need to know about deductibles.
(more…)iSmile Dental Arts Blog
Dental Insurance Deductibles: Everything You Need to Know
June 15, 2021
5 Ways to Prevent Summer Dental Emergencies
June 10, 2021
Have you started planning your summer vacation? Your family may be excited to embark on new adventures, but all the fun could put your oral health at risk. It takes just one broken tooth or a toothache to derail your plans. Whether it’s a weekend getaway, an international excursion, or even a single-day trip, you and your family can prevent dental emergencies with the following tips.
(more…)How to Ease Discomfort from Invisalign Aligners
May 2, 2021
Whether you choose to have braces or clear aligners in order to straighten your teeth, you’re bound to experience some discomfort. This occurs because the teeth are slowly shifting, so soreness is bound to happen at one point or another in the mouth. It’s normal for this to happen for the first few days after putting in new aligners. Fortunately, there are things you can do in order to relieve Invisalign discomfort. Read on to learn a few helpful tips.
(more…)Dental Implant Surgery: Is It Going to Hurt?
April 28, 2021
Because dental implants in Williamstown need to be placed via surgery, you’re probably worried about how much pain you’ll experience during the process. The short answer is, not very much – and certainly not so much that you should let it scare you away from new teeth that look, feel, and function like your natural smile! Nevertheless, it helps to have a clear idea of what level of discomfort you can expect during the implant process so that you can prepare yourself accordingly.
(more…)The Right Foods to Eat After Having Your Teeth Whitened
March 15, 2021
Professional teeth whitening can leave you with a set of gleaming-white teeth. Having a brighter smile can also roll back the hands of time, leaving you looking younger and more vibrant. After achieving these results, the last thing you want is to reverse course. As you continue reading, learn about foods that whiten teeth and discover which items should be avoided so that you can maintain your gorgeous new smile!
(more…)This Can Happen When You Don’t Have Enough Saliva
March 8, 2021
If you’re a smoker, chances are you’ve been warned about the potential health hazards. After all, tobacco retailers are forced to place a warning label on their products. There is an additional, and often overlooked, side effect of using tobacco products: dry mouth. It can contribute to a host of oral health problems. As you continue reading, learn about the potential issues that could arise and what you can do to prevent them.
(more…)How Keeping Your Mouth Healthy Can Boost Your Immune System
January 7, 2021
In light of current events, the immune system has been in the news more in the past year than ever before. Along with stories about business closures and how Covid-19 works, you’ll often see experts on TV talking about how you can boost your immune system. Luckily, an easy way to do this involves something you should already be familiar with – daily brushing and flossing. That’s right, by taking good care of your oral health, you can reduce your risk of infectious diseases like Covid-19. How? Continue reading to find out.
(more…)What Is the Connection Between Alzheimer’s and Gum Disease?
January 2, 2021
Although many people worry about getting cavities, it is also important to take steps to protect the health of your gums. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of every two adults in the United States suffers from gum disease. Infected gums not only pose a threat to your oral health but have also been linked to other serious health problems, including Alzheimer’s disease. Keep reading below to discover what the latest research reveals about the link between gum disease and this serious brain disorder.
(more…)How Autoimmune Disorders Impact Your Oral Health
December 18, 2020
Your immune system helps defend your body from potential illnesses. In a perfect world, it would only focus on outside pathogens, but in some people, the immune system attacks the body’s own cells and tissues. When this occurs, an autoimmune disease develops. These conditions can not only adversely affect your overall well-being, but also your mouth. Read on to discover how autoimmune disorders impact your oral health.
(more…)Dentures or Dental Implants: Which One Prevents Jawbone Loss?
December 2, 2020
Are you missing several teeth? If so, you’re definitely not the only one. In fact, almost 70% of American adults aged 35 to 44 have lost at least one tooth, according to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Many of these people seek out solutions like dentures or dental implants as a way to avoid the embarrassment of having gaps in their grins. However, only one of these treatments prevents bone loss in your jaw. Keep reading to find out which option is better in terms of jawbone preservation.