5 Ways to Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits

September 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 11:23 am
Hand writing dental appointment on white calendar

You likely pay your phone bill every month and use your phone every single day. If you have dental insurance, you are also paying monthly premiums. Are you getting the most out of your investment? Insurance coverage does not roll over from one year to the next, so don’t wait until late December to use your benefits. Thankfully, it is not too late to still save money and boost your smile. Here are five tips from a dentist on how to maximize your dental insurance benefits before they expire. 


Can I Get Dental Implants If I Grind My Teeth?

September 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 9:36 am
Woman with bruxism holding her jaw in pain in bed

Dental implants are fast becoming the most popular way to replace missing teeth. It’s no surprise why! Compared to traditional restorations, implants provide superior stability, appearance, and longevity.  They also have an extremely high success rate of up to 95%. However, there are certain habits and conditions that can increase the risk of implant failure, such as grinding teeth. Keep reading to discover the relationship between bruxism and dental implants and whether you are a good candidate for implant treatment. 


How Soon Can I Get Dental Implants After a Tooth Extraction?

August 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 6:47 pm
example of dental implants after tooth extraction in Williamstown

Whether it’s due to serious trauma or severe decay, there are many reasons a tooth extraction may be necessary. Though this may improve and protect your dental health, it’s crucial to restore the gap in your smile afterward. If left untreated, you could end up at risk of experiencing further tooth loss and changes in your facial structure. One of the best ways to fill in the gaps is with dental implants. But how long will you have to wait until you can restore your smile? Keep reading to learn what to expect when getting dental implants after a tooth extraction!


The Lifespan of a Dental Bridge: What to Expect

August 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 2:33 pm
Dental bridge being placed on prepared teeth

Dental bridges are sturdy, reliable tooth replacements. However, like any other kind of dental restoration, they can only stay in your mouth for so long before they need to be replaced. Exactly how long is the average dental bridge lifespan, and what can you do to extend said lifespan for as long as possible? Here is what you can normally expect.


What To Expect When Switching From Dentures to Dental Implants

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 2:59 pm
man smiling after a transition from dentures in Williamstown

Although dentures are a reliable way to replace missing teeth, you may be wondering if there’s a more effective method to restore your smile. While they can improve your bite, they can sometimes come with certain complications, such as shifting out of place. If you want a more permanent solution, then dental implants may be the option for you. But what can you expect the switch between restoration treatments to be like? Read on to learn about the transition from dentures to dental implants and the benefits you’ll be able to enjoy!


What You Should Know About Recovering from a Dental Bone Graft

June 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 5:55 pm
A couple smiling and enjoying their dental implants.

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are in a class of their own. However, getting dental implants isn’t always a simple matter; sometimes a dental bone graft is necessary before your dentist can get the ball rolling. But this is nothing to worry about! In fact, it will help to ensure the ultimate success of your future implants! Keep reading to learn more about what you can expect during and following a dental bone graft.


Can You Get Dental Implants While Pregnant?

May 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 3:21 pm
Young dentist with pregnant patient

Pregnancy can keep you from doing various things while you’re expecting. For instance, certain sports or exercises might become untenable as your body changes. But does that apply to something like dental implants? Many patients would imagine that any dentistry, let alone implants, would still be fine while pregnant.

As it happens, dental implants during pregnancy typically isn’t advised. Here are some reasons why that’s the case and how best to prepare for treatment post-pregnancy.


5 Benefits of Zirconia Dental Implants

April 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 7:56 pm

Zirconia dental implantDental implants revolutionized dentistry because they remain the only method of rebuilding a lost tooth from the root up. An implant post is surgically placed into the jawbone to mimic a root to support a custom-made restoration. Traditionally, the post is made of titanium, but that’s not the only option. If you have concerns about metal allergies or want a biological solution, zirconia dental implants may be right for you. Here are 5 reasons to consider metal-free implants. 


How Can I Ease My Invisalign Discomfort?

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 8:30 pm
woman invisalign illustration

Remember when you bought your favorite soft t-shirt years ago and it had that annoying tag you decided to tear out? Those awesome walking shoes you have really weren’t that comfortable until you’d worn them a dozen times. Sometimes it just takes building some familiarity with an item for it to shift from feeling weird to feeling normal. If you are experiencing Invisalign discomfort in the early days of wearing your clear aligners, fear not because your dentist in Williamstown offers many tips to help you seek relief!


How Do I Stay on Top of My Invisalign Wear Time?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 8:20 pm
young woman holding Invisalign aligner

Are you hesitant to undergo orthodontic treatment because you want to avoid the hassle of metal wires and brackets? Well, here’s some good news – you don’t have to deal with any of that! Thanks to Invisalign, you can discreetly and comfortably work towards a straighter, healthier smile. For successful treatment, you’ll need to wear these clear aligners no less than 22 hours per day. Although that may seem like a long time, here are some actions you can take to easily meet Invisalign wear time in Williamstown.

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