Your Cosmetic Dentist in Williamstown Says Avoid These Crazy Trends!

June 19, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 12:55 pm

yellow paint word trends streetJust as the field of dentistry is constantly producing new and innovative ways for professionals to improve on the aesthetic dental care they provide, there is an equally abundant number of crazy trends that appear with little-to-no scientific merit, and that haven’t been tested for safety. As you read on, your cosmetic dentist in Williamstown discusses some of the latest fads and why you should stick to methods that are tried and true.


I’ve Worn Braces Already – Why Do I Need Invisalign in Williamstown?

May 19, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 11:55 am

woman inserting Invisalign clear alignerYour memories of your teenage years include a recollection of how you wore metal braces to correct your misaligned, crowded, gapped or crooked teeth. Having metal brackets and wires in your mouth didn’t’ constitute the ideal look for a teenager, but the motivating factor was that you’d have perfectly straight teeth afterwards. Unfortunately, as an adult, you find yourself in need of braces again. Your local dentist weighs in to explain why this is so and to inform you of an alternative that will make the process of straightening your teeth much better – Invisalign in Williamstown. Read on to learn about the process.


Cancer Screenings from a Dentist in Williamstown Saves Lives

April 27, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 8:03 pm

man dental painUnfortunately, there are too many people that are affected by oral cancer and not enough people who are aware of how to avoid the disease. This month is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month, which is why your dentist in Williamstown wants to take the time to discuss the disease.

In this week’s blog post, we’re going to be talking about the signs of oral cancer, risk factors, and how your dentist can help you stay on top of oral cancer with regular screenings. Continue reading to learn more.


Your Family Dentist Discusses Baby’s First Teeth

February 20, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 4:11 pm

teething babyAs a parent, you watch with joy as your child grows up at an amazingly fast rate. It seems like one day they’re a newborn, and the next they’re asking to borrow your car keys. In between, you’ll have lots of precious moments to savor — and, of course, some challenges. One of the first challenges you’ll face is when your little one starts teething. Your family dentist in Williamstown is here to talk about this important milestone.


Your Family Dentist Talks About Pregnancy and Your Oral Health

February 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 8:39 pm

pregnant woman at dentistAs soon as you found out you were pregnant, you probably started doing all sorts of research about how to care for yourself in order to give your baby the best chance of being born healthy and thriving. You might have looked into things like medication, nutrition, your daily habits, and more. You might also be wondering how to take care of your teeth while you’re an expecting mother. Your family dentist in Williamstown is here to talk more about this important topic.


Got a Toothache? Your Emergency Dentist in Williamstown Has Solutions

January 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 1:13 pm

woman holding jaw from toothache painAre you suffering from a toothache? If so, you’ve probably had warning signs for some time now, but kept saying, “Oh, I’ll get around to it,” or “It’ll go away.” The issue with either way of thinking is that the problem just keeps getting worse while you delay, until one day you’ve got this full-blown pain radiating up the side of your face. But this is not the time to beat yourself up over this. You need some relief. That’s why your dentist has decided to weigh in with some information on how to ease the pain of a toothache until you can be seen.


5 Tips to Get Off the Grind from Your Family Dentist in Williamstown

January 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 12:03 pm

young woman grinding her teeth

Recent research has demonstrated that it takes around two months to build a new habit, and you know how fast that little bit of time can fly by. That means that there could be hundreds of habits that you may have acquired throughout your life, some helpful and others not. When it comes to your oral health, one habit that definitely isn’t productive is teeth grinding (bruxism). Your family dentist in Williamstown is quite familiar with this issue and wants you to know that bruxism can cause serious problems for you in the long run. Continue reading to learn some of his strategies for overcoming it.


No Dental Insurance? Your Dentist in Williamstown, NJ, Has Your Back!

November 17, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 11:10 pm

happy at dentist visitHow are your teeth doing? You might think that they’re doing just fine, but how long as it been since a dentist told you as much? If you don’t have dental insurance, maybe it’s been a while since you had a professional take a look at your smile. After all, oral healthcare can cost a lot of money — but it will become much more affordable if you sign up for the in-house dental plan from your dentist in Williamstown, NJ! We’re proud to offer this program to help members of our community keep their teeth and gums in great shape.


Your Dentist Talks About the Dangers of Mouth Breathing

October 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 7:27 pm

woman covering mouthMost of us breathe through our nose; it feels natural, and we don’t have to think about it. However, some people have to get the majority of their oxygen through their mouth. If that is true in your case, you may not realize the danger that breathing can pose to your oral health. What causes mouth breathing, why is it such a big deal, and how can you stop it before it ruins that gorgeous smile of yours? Your dentist is here to tell you what you need to know about this oft-ignored problem.


We Took a Mission Trip to Antigua, Guatemala!

September 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 2:28 pm

group shot on stairs with Antigua mayorAt iSmile Dental Arts, our team is firmly committed to our community. We know that our duty to provide necessary dental care extends beyond our patients. That’s why we love to go on mission trips whenever we can to reach out to people who need dentistry but can’t necessarily get it — like families and children in Antigua, Guatemala.


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