You likely pay your phone bill every month and use your phone every single day. If you have dental insurance, you are also paying monthly premiums. Are you getting the most out of your investment? Insurance coverage does not roll over from one year to the next, so don’t wait until late December to use your benefits. Thankfully, it is not too late to still save money and boost your smile. Here are five tips from a dentist on how to maximize your dental insurance benefits before they expire.
#1: Understand Your Plan
You can’t take full advantage of your dental insurance benefits if you don’t understand how your plan works. Here are 3 key terms that you should know:
- Deductible – The minimum amount you must pay out-of-pocket for dental care each year before your insurance kicks in.
- Co-Pay – A fixed amount you pay before receiving a specific dental care service; your insurance then covers part or all of the remaining cost.
- Annual Maximum – After you reach this annual cap, you will be expected to pay 100% of any additional dental care costs.
#2: Schedule a 2nd Dental Checkup
Did you know that most dental insurance plans cover two dental checkups each year at 100%? So, even if you already visited your dentist this past winter or spring, don’t hesitate to schedule your next checkup before the end of the year. It likely won’t cost you a penny out of pocket!
#3: Don’t Waste Your Deductible
Have you already had some dental work done this year? If so, you may have already met your annual deductible. Most deductibles reset at the beginning of each year. That means that if you have yet to reach your annual maximum, you can likely save money by starting additional dental treatment now. If you wait until next year, however, you will likely have to pay your new deductible before your insurance coverage kicks in.
#4: Split Treatment Costs Over Two Years
Here’s a major tip: you may be able to split the cost of extensive dental treatment over two years if you start soon! The first step is to begin treatment and use up any remaining benefits under your annual maximum. Once the calendar turns over, you can then take advantage of your renewed benefits after you’ve met your deductible.
#5: Act Before Your Plan Changes
Finally, don’t forget that insurance plans often change on a year-to-year basis. If you like your current plan, this is yet another reason to use your benefits now and not wait. Your deductible, co-pay, and annual maximum could all potentially be higher next year.
Now that you know the five tips above, call your dentist to get started making the most of your dental insurance benefits!
About the Author
Dr. Wael Kassem has nearly 15 years of experience providing affordable, quality dental care in Williamstown, NJ. He is in-network with most major PPO plans, including Aetna, MetLife, Cigna, Delta Dental, and many more. For more tips to maximize dental insurance benefits, visit the iSmile Dental Arts website or call (856) 818-9998.