I’ve Worn Braces Already – Why Do I Need Invisalign in Williamstown?

May 19, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkassem @ 11:55 am

woman inserting Invisalign clear alignerYour memories of your teenage years include a recollection of how you wore metal braces to correct your misaligned, crowded, gapped or crooked teeth. Having metal brackets and wires in your mouth didn’t’ constitute the ideal look for a teenager, but the motivating factor was that you’d have perfectly straight teeth afterwards. Unfortunately, as an adult, you find yourself in need of braces again. Your local dentist weighs in to explain why this is so and to inform you of an alternative that will make the process of straightening your teeth much better – Invisalign in Williamstown. Read on to learn about the process.


Emergency Dentist in Williamstown will Pinpoint the Cause of Your Toothache

May 6, 2018

Filed under: Emergency Dentist — Tags: — drkassem @ 10:53 pm

man with toothacheDid you wake up this morning with pain radiating to your mouth? It sounds like you have a toothache. Although you may often believe that the pain can only affect a single tooth, this may not always be the case. New research shows that it can be difficult to tell where the discomfort is originating. In fact, it may feel like multiple teeth are causing you grief. To help pinpoint the problem, it is best to call your emergency dentist in Williamstown right away.