Does My Child Need an Oral Cancer Screening in Williamstown, NJ?

August 18, 2017

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — drkassem @ 1:45 am

Young girl at dentistIf you have recently had a preventive appointment with your dentist, he may have recommended that you have an oral cancer screening in Williamstown, NJ. With oral cancer causing more than 9,700 deaths each year, you may now be wondering if your child should have the screening performed as well? Although nearly 50,000 Americans will be diagnosed with the cancer this year, only about 100 of those will be children. As a result, children often do not need the screenings unless there is a reason to believe that they may be at risk.

Your Cosmetic Dentist in Williamstown, NJ Can Improve Your Oral Health

August 10, 2017

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: — drkassem @ 3:03 am

Woman at dentistOften, when you think about cosmetic dentistry, you think about improving the appearance of the teeth. There is a certain stigma that surrounds it, often believing that it is only an option for the elite or the vain; however, this is not always the case. Your cosmetic dentist in Williamstown, NJ can use many of the procedures to not only improve the look of your teeth, but their health and function as well. Now, improving the aesthetics of your smile can also promote your dental health in the future.